
Whilst the volume of responses to the Influence Scorecard has been amazing and very encouraging, for a topic so closely related to the Social Web, I've been astonished at the number of responses by email rather than, well, more socially!

Nevertheless, I'm far from ungrateful of course. Indeed, "Thank you". And I'd like to take time here to shout out specifically to the following social web analytics specialists for their support, and then I've added some reciprocal blog links...

Nielsen Online, TNS Cymfony, J.D. Power Umbria, Clarabridge, Influencer50, Techrigy, Brandwatch, dna13, VMSInfo, Radian6, Integrasco, BuzzLogic, MotiveQuest,  RepuMetrix, Andiamo, CIC, Attentio, Scout Labs.


Where you've come back with questions, they have been about two aspects in general... definitions and events.

It's apparent that vocabulary is important. Like all new fields, if we try working with slightly different definitions then innovation and concensus are going to be harder to forge. We're talking about words like "influence", "stakeholder", "engagement", "dashboard" etc. So whilst I partly anticipated this need in the first post, it looks like this is going to be task 1.

And events. Well, the level of interest from all the corners of expertise we're bringing together... analytics, PR, social media and business performance management... has been such that we're going to give ourselves a little more time to work out the when, where and how. Please bear with us though... we are pulling stuff together.

This task will be delayed a few days whilst I attend Mobile World Congress next week with the powerful ARM, ingenious Mozilla and addictive Taptu. If you're there and fancy meeting up, just twitter #influencescorecard and #mwc and I'll pick it up.

But my mind won't be entirely off Influence in Barcelona, after all there's influence through them there devices.