What's Twitter for? Interesting question, but we know we enjoyed the Tweetstream from @cluetrainee this week. Subtle. Satirical. And beautifully efficient in poking fun at the bankers who have wrought the current financial terror and are feeling like they want to apologise this week, over and over and over again.

I've appended an extract for your convenience :-) before this week's post highlights.

@cluetrainee gets it, but thanks to Rebecca Caroe for posting an entertaining video ridiculing those Twitterers that don't.

All the best, Philip and the MarCom Professional team.


and my chauffeur is sorry too 7:35 AM Feb 10th from web

with no hit of irony 7:35 AM Feb 10th from web

honestly 7:35 AM Feb 10th from web


is REALLY sorry. REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY sorry 7:33 AM Feb 10th from web

is sorry on behalf of myself and the whole board, my mother, my friends, colleagues, the academy and many more too numerous to apologise for 7:31 AM Feb 10th from web

could not be more sorry about what's happened 7:31 AM Feb 10th from web

is extremely, unreservedly, unqualifiedly and profoundly sorry 7:30 AM Feb 10th from web

is also extremely sorry for the turn of events which brought this all about 7:30 AM Feb 10th from web

remembers to add that my apology is profound AND unqualified 7:29 AM Feb 10th from web

is profoundly and, I think I would say, unreservedly, sorry. 7:28 AM Feb 10th from web

Influence Scorecard update

by Philip Sheldrake of Racepoint Group UK


Whilst the volume of responses to the Influence Scorecard has been amazing and very encouraging, for a topic so closely related to the Social Web, I've been astonished at the number of responses by email rather than, well, more socially!

Nevertheless, I'm far from ungrateful of course. Indeed, "Thank you". And I'd like to take time here to shout out specifically to the following social web analytics specialists for their support, and then I've added some reciprocal blog links... More...

People want to do business with people

by David Meerman Scott of David Meerman Scott

Do you remember the last time you called a toll-free number and were routed through phone-tree hell (“Press 4 for customer support. Press 5 for sales.”) and then had to wait on hold? How did that make you feel? Or consider the Web sites you’ve visited recently. How many were dull and uninspiring and didn’t answer any of your questions? Did it feel like these organizations cared about you?

Of course not.

People want to do business with people. We're human, and we crave interaction with people who know us. More...

Does Facebook Matter? Find out in the second edition of Marketing To The Social Web

by Philip Sheldrake of Racepoint Group UK

Larry Weber releases the 2nd edition of Marketing to the Social Web today. After the first edition sold out, the publisher (Wiley) asked my chairman to update the book for a second run.

With a foreword by Jimmy Wales of Wikipedia, the second edition includes new chapters on Facebook (entitled “Does Facebook Matter?”... he believes it does and moreover will surpass Google), measurement and marketing to mobile social media. More...

Persuasive Writing 7 - Editing Your Writing

by Matt Ambrose of The Copywriter's Crucible

It’s believed that procrastination and writer’s block are caused by the writer’s desire to achieve perfection. The fear of composing an awkward sentence or weak turn of phrase can be so paralysing that many writers simply can’t face the simple act of typing words into their keyboard.

But it’s also believed that writer’s block is a myth, because you can always write something.

First drafts can sometimes be a clumsy, repetitive and turgid mass of unrefined words. More...

Is external regulation route to improving standards in PR?

by Stephen Waddington of Rainier PR

Blogs are for sharing ideas right? Well here’s an idea.

What if the PR industry was to live and die by a professional code of conduct? It would soon clear out the “did you get my press release” telesales brigade.

It’s not my idea. You can thank David Phillips (@dphillips4364).

Phillips suggests that professionals that flout the Chartered Institute of Public Relation’s (CIPR) code of conduct should face a disciplinary hearing. His blog posting follows a number of high profile web failures during the bad weather last week. More...

Learn about SEM from the best — SEMMYS Winners Announced

by Katy Barrilleaux of Lead Maverick, Inc.

Two weeks ago I posted an article urging you to vote for the top search engine marketing posts of 2008 — the SEMMYS. The votes are now tallied and the winners have been posted on the SEMMYS website. Congratulations to all the finalists and of course, to the winners. If you are interested in learning more about search engine marketing, I urge you to read the winning articles, as well as those of the finalists. And be sure to subscribe to their RSS feed because all are thought leaders in the industry and share valuable insight on a regular basis. More...

The 2009 Semmys Honor The Conversation Prism

by Brian Solis of PR 2.0

Every year The Semmys nominates the best posts in marketing. Last year, the Social Media Manifesto was recognized and this year, The Conversation Prism was spotlighted.

Thank you!

When Jesse Thomas of JESS3 and I started to lay the foundation for the Conversation Prism, we realized that it was a much larger task then simply categorizing social networks and placing them within a visually-rich graphic or chart. My goal was to observe, analyze, dissect, and present the dynamics of conversations, how and where they transpired. More...

Online seminars will make you more money than ebooks

by Graham Jones of Internet Psychology

People love buying things - or so we are led to believe. Current psychological thinking suggests that as we spend ever more isolated lives, going shopping plugs an emotional gap in our lives. Depression is known to lead to increased spending, for instance. Shopping and buying things helps us so much we even have "retail therapy", to make us feel better. And now there's even a movie about the whole subject - Confessions of a Shopaholic.

But new research suggests there's an even better way for us to gain pleasure from spending money. More...

Finding the Tweet Spot - Top Tips for Building Twitter Relationships

by Brian Solis of PR 2.0

be tweet

Twitter is an incredible medium for listening, learning, and sharing. And, for those in the media and communications industries, it's also a rapid and immersive education in meaningful, two-way micro messaging that helps both parties walk away with a new form of value.

While there are no shortage of posts that offer tips and tricks to help you boost your Twitter followers, it is by no means a popularity contest. The surmounting ploys, friending races, theatrics, and contests to tempt those into following individuals can be fun, but short-sighted, when in fact the true technique for building relationships, regardless of volume, is the genuine act of earning and investing in them. More...

The Battle for Your Social Status: Facebook Builds Network Around Your Activity

by Brian Solis of PR 2.0

Shot at the F8 conference in San Francisco

Recently, we discussed the evolution of Twitter and also FriendFeed as they mature into fully interactive conversation ecosystems.

In social media, you'll most often hear references to the proverbial "conversation" that fuels the dynamic, two-way Web and earns those individuals and brands that invest in it wisely, increased social capital and authority.

Facebook issued a significant announcement that may solidify its platform as the primary dashboard for sharing, responding, and listening to those who comprise your social graph, regardless of network. More...

10 things for Charles Arthur to consider about the tech PR industry

by Andrew Smith of escherman

Charles Arthur at The Guardian has been musing on his relationship with the PR business and sparked a cavalcade of comment, mainly from PRs. I posted the following as a comment, but at time of writing, it hadn’t appeared, so here is my response again (apologies to regular readers who are probably familiar with many of the points I make): 1. Every time someone like Charles bemoans the “did you get my press release” tactic, PRs rush to decry the practice: “Oh no, we don’t do that”. More...