I learn something every day as I help moderate MarCom Professional.
This week I was most intrigued by the idea that Google could add adverts to Google Streetview... both static and moving images in what constitutes a sort of augmented-virtual-reality I guess. AVR? Thanks to Michael Litman for flagging this.
As always, Brian Solis has a couple of cracking posts this week, one on the socialization of email marketing, and another on the stages of social media integration in business, which shares some of the outlook of aspects of the Influence Scorecard initiative.
I'd obviously recommend MarCom Professional for keeping up to speed on how marketing and PR have been and are being transformed. And if you're looking for a comprehensive resource that's insightful and digestible, I whole heartedly recommend The New Rules of Marketing and PR by MarCom Professional member David Meerman Scott.
David's post this week announces the publication of the second edition: updated, revised and ready to continue the title's domination as the No. 1 marketing best seller. It's the perfect book to make sure you've grasped the full gamut of this digital revolution, and the ideal primer for all your colleagues who don't seem to have "got it" just yet. Gawd bless'em.
Regards, Philip and the MarCom Professional team.

NLA vs Meltwater: “come and have a go [...] but make sure you have the requisite authority to make your point in court”
by Stephen Waddington of Speed Communications
Steve has posted an update on the NLA vs Meltwater tribunal after the NLA issued a statement yesterday and he caught up with its commercial director Andrew Hughes. “The NLA says Meltwater’s approach to the digital licence issue is unfair. Meltwater is saying bollocks, we’ll challenge the legality and appropriateness of this. The NLA is now saying come and have a go if you think you’re hard enough, but please make sure you have the requisite authority to make your point in court.” More...

Marketers Plan to Develop New Mobile Apps
by David H Deans of Digital Lifescapes
eMarketer reports that mobile application (app) investment should grow significantly in 2010, according to the latest market study by DM2PRO and Quattro Wireless.
In contrast, spending on social media apps will stagnate -- even though more marketers have already developed those applications. Among those marketers who already had an social media app in 2009, however, Facebook was the leading platform.
Fewer than one-half of marketers created either a mobile or social app in 2009, but most plan to invest in a mobile app this year. More...

The Very Real Investments in Virtual Goods
by David H Deans of Digital Lifescapes
According to the latest market study by Engage Digital Media, an amazing $1.38 billion was invested in 87 virtual goods-related companies.
The amount invested in 2009 represents more than three times the investment in the virtual goods space in 2008 -- when $408 million was invested. The total number of companies receiving investment money also increased year-over-year -- 87 in 2009 compared with 34 in 2008, an increase of more than 100 percent.
Of the $1.38 billion invested for the year, $398.3 million is acquisition related. More...

Social Media Roundup #23
by Tia Fisher of eModeration Blog
Welcome to the second installment of eModeration's weekly social media round-up. Here you will find a note of all that is intriguing, alarming or odd in the world of social media, compiled by Kate Williams (@emodkate).
In this update: Dunbar's Number; Seesmic jumpstarts Twitter's stats; and how the Nexus One Nixes Bad Words.
Hoorah! Those of you who feel mildly ashamed that your tally of Facebook Friends isn't quite what it should be can hold your heads high once more. More...

Speed backs Inconvenient PR Truth campaign as Realwire reveals 1.7 billion irrelevant press releases sent each year
by Stephen Waddington of Speed Communications
Speed is backing an industry initiative launched this morning to address the issue of PR spam. It’s the brainchild of Realwire’s CEO Adam Parker. We’re all aware of the issue; there isn’t anyone in the PR industry that hasn’t been guilty of spamming bloggers or journalists at some point in their career.
Research by Realwire claims that 1.7 billion irrelevant press release emails estimated to be received in total each year by UK and US Journalists alone
Mark Borkowski and Stephen Davies are also onboard from the PR industry alongside media distribution services and journalists. More...

New Rules, new ideas, and a few secrets: Second Edition of my bestseller
by David Meerman Scott of David Meerman Scott
The SECOND EDITION of The New Rules of Marketing and PR is in bookstores now!
The book has gone through a complete re-write. See below for what's new.
If you haven't read the book at all, now is the time!
If you read the first edition thank you!! (If you're considering re-reading the book, you'll want to get the new edition).
If you're a fan of the ideas in The New Rules of Marketing & PR, I hope you will help me spread the word by tweeting, blogging, doing a video, or talking it up somehow. More...

The Socialization of Email Marketing
by Brian Solis of PR 2.0
Follow me on Twitter! Become a fan on Facebook!
It seems that everywhere you turn, businesses, media properties, and brands are asking us to connect with them in the social Web. Whether it’s on TV, in press materials, advertising, or email, brands are vying for our “friendship.”
In July 2009, Bill McCloskey in partnership with StrongMail, analyzed the email marketing campaigns of top brands and how they integrated social profiles into the marketing presentation. McCloskey observed that top brands were reviving email campaigns with the inclusion of links to social profiles, specifically Facebook, Twitter, and also MySpace. More...

The 10 Stages of Social Media Integration in Business
by Brian Solis of PR 2.0
What follows is the unabridged version of my post on Mashable, “The 10 Stages of Social Media Business Integration.“
An overnight success ten plus years in the making, Social Media is as transformative as it is evolutionary. With every day that passes, we are presented with increasing reports that showcase the impact of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and blogs within small and large businesses alike. As a result, we can now visualize the state of adoption, understanding, and implementation in different business ecosystems. More...

SEO still doesn\'t get Social
by Mindy Gofton of I-COM
I've been looking at the Twitter feed of a fairly comprehensive list of UK SEOs this morning and I noticed something.
Of the most recent 140 tweets in the feed at the time I was looking (about 11:45am):
13 people plugged their own content
27 people plugged random sites such as newspapers, YouTube videos, funny pictures and other amusing "viral" content
25 recommended or retweeted content on the most popular SEO/Tech sites (e.g. SEO Moz, Techcrunch, Mashable, Sphinn, etc.)
only 4 tweets recommended articles on their direct compeitors' More...

Video Ads in Google Street View
by Michael Litman of Consolidated PR
Last week Gizmodo spotted that Google has filed a patent entitled “Claiming Real Estate in Panoramic or 3D Mapping Environments for Advertising,” which in short allows them to paste media (adverts) onto the images.
Its interesting how the mouse in Street View follows the 3D space, we assume to allow any data to be tagged to buildings etc.
With data of course comes the ability to provide click throughs and advertising. We dont think it will limited to simple images however as video can also be embedded into panoramas as one of our previous examples shows. More...