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Friday Roundup: I’d like to quote you

I'd like to quote you.

Without doubt, the marketing and PR professions are in revolutionary flux right now. I reckon that if we didn't have these disciplines to date but just realised here and now that we actually wanted to influence what people think and do, and ensure we're influenced straight back, that we'd design things very much differently to the status quo we've inherited.

I'm delighted that Wiley has invited me to write a book on just this topic. It's going to focus on the much needed transformation of marketing and PR strategies, and the related disciplines in the influence mix, for the current and future digital age.

The book explains what’s happened, what’s happening and what’s coming up. It points to the changes of direction organisations and individual practitioners must pursue to remain relevant.

And in the spirit of a marketer honing a product’s positioning, I’ll tell you what this book is not. This book is not a social media ‘how to’. Rather, it's about your organisation, your profession and your career. As with all changes to the competitive landscape, the earliest adapters will secure competitive advantage for their organisation and personal careers, whilst the laggards will suffer competitive disadvantage. And quickly.

I'd like to quote you. Please do get in touch if you'd like to share your viewpoint and experiences... the book will only be improved by your contributions. Seriously, do it!

And if you're interested in the bit about what's coming up, I'm running a session this coming Thursday in London at the CIPR on the Web 3.0 and the Internet of Things if you'd like to join us.

Best regards, Philip and the MarCom Professional team. Read more

Friday Roundup – Twitter, the Human Seismograph

Ever considered Twitter in terms of it being a "Human Seismograph"?

Brian Solis won't mind me pointing out that he likes to invent memorable turns of phrase. It's a common trait amongst communicators working on any cutting edge because sometimes existing phraseology doesn't quite do justice to the point being made. So here we are, discussing human seismography.

And two posts this week portray the seismograpic needle waggling wildly.

Firstly, Brian's post "Oil Spill Report: BP and White House Sentiment Spills onto Twitter" reviews the sentiment towards BP as expressed on Twitter. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of this detailed analysis is the deleterious knock-on impact the disaster has had on sentiment towards President Obama. Of course, correlations offer no evidence of cause-and-effect unless individual exclamations of feeling explicitly express such a connection, and this is something social web analytics can examine. Read more

Friday Roundup 2nd July 2010

Continuous professional development. Bloody important. Guess that's why the CIPR just moved its whole system online. Brilliant.

I mention it because I need some. Professional development that is. Look at the state of this Friday Roundup: it lists 16 great posts for goodness sake! Far too many! But they're all so interesting (if I can say that about a list that includes one of my own).

I need a course in editing to get the list down to, say, 10. I could propose some personalisation technology to the MarCom Professional team so you only get posts you're really interested in. But then my post this week is about a new breed of consultant, an Influence Professional, who has to be savvy about everything going on out there in the world of exerting influence, and being influenced. So perhaps that wouldn't work. Mmmm.

Perhaps then I can just help to keep this Roundup shorter than otherwise by just stopping this intro. Here.

Best regards, Philip and the MarCom Professional team. Read more

Friday Roundup – AMEC and the value of PR

The PR measurement and evaluation community came together in Barcelona 16th-18th June for the AMEC 2nd European Summit. AMEC is the Association for Measurement and Evaluation of Communication, and they played host to organisations such as the IPR, the PRSA, the ICCO,the CIPR and the PR Global Alliance.

I was there representing the CIPR in my capacity as chair of its measurement group.

AMEC equipped all delegates with some nifty electronic voting gadgets with which votes were cast on seven foundation principles. The headline principles were approved, and AMEC has now taken the action to tweak the detail in line with delegate feedback before publishing in full.

I won't duplicate the contents of a post on the seven principles by CIPR President Jay O'Connor, but I will convey here how delighted I am that one of the principles states simply:

Advertising Value Equivalents (AVEs) are not the value of PR Read more

Friday Roundup – social media is a total waste of time

Friday Roundup 11th June 2010

Seriously. Do I have to write anything today? There are so many great posts on MarCom Professional this week that I feel a tangible improvement in my personal development from just having read and thought about every single one.

But you only have to read the 22 I've selected for the Friday Roundup! :-)

Seriously. Maybe I should pick a short-shortlist? Or group them by theme... Yes, it appears this week was a good week for B2B social media.

On the one hand we have the Rolls Royce Comms Director saying "Social media is a waste of time", but, as if on cue, the MarCom Professional members pipe up with: Read more

Friday Roundup – discontent content management

Content management has come a long way since the turn of the century. Back then, web design and content management systems (CMS) typically set anyone back five to seven figures of whatever currency they had to hand. And then some bright sparks developed the idea of blogging.

Blogging helped many non-technical web users start publishing for the first time by stripping CMS back to its bare bones, and I remember hosting a contingent from MIT in London in 2001 at the Work Foundation where we worked ourselves up into a frenzy about how big blogging was going to be! Read more

Friday Roundup – social media training gets more useful

Fortunately, the last time I was asked "what's a blog?" whilst presenting at a social media conference was 2008. Thank gawd for that. But too many social media conferences continue to labour the basics whilst the majority of practitioners have moved themselves way up the learning curve.

So I thought I'd invest this Friday Roundup in identifying three initiatives in London that should tickle your advanced social fancy.

The first is the CIPR's Digital Impact conference. For an institute that didn't lead in the social media world back when I was being asked "what's a refback?", the CIPR has jumped three gears and is heading straight into the thick of things in 2010. The content looks fab. The speakers are great and the venue, for those who haven't yet been to the CIPR's new home, is lovely.

I'm going particularly for the First Direct and Vodafone sessions. (And don't worry about the CIPR's website, yes it is awful, and yes they do know it, and yes a new one will debut in just a couple of weeks!)

The second is Social Media Marketing 2010 from the same guys that brought us the successful Monitoring Social Media 2009 and Social Media Monitoring Bootcamp 2010 conferences. And with Chris Brogan and Brian Solis making rare appearances in the UK, it's shaping up to be another "I like" feather in the Luke Brynley-Jones' social hat.

Lastly, and another CIPR first, the CIPR Social Summer is the first event series organised by the CIPR's newly formed Social Media panel, and a series that's being developed openly on a wiki. Seriously, if you want to change it, you can. Read more

Friday Roundup – the Internet of Things

Last week's Friday Roundup focused on the ramifications of the Semantic Web, so-called Web 3.0, on the marketing and PR professions. So perhaps you'll forgive me if I push my luck by talking tech two weeks running.

The Internet of Things changes many aspects of our lives, including the possibilities and practice of the influence professions; marketing and PR. What is it? Well, you can think of it as a network of objects beyond the usual computers and smartphones, for example:

  • The device containing electronics in order to fulfil its primary function (eg, washing machine, car, aircon unit)
  • The electrical device traditionally absent of sophisticated electronics (eg, lighting, heating, power distribution)
  • Non-electrical objects (eg, food and drink packages, animals, clothing); and
  • Environmental sensors (eg, for variables such as temperature, heat and moisture).

And just like the Semantic Web, the Internet of Things isn't just some futurologist's dreamscape. It is here, now. Read more

Friday Roundup – all aboard Web 3.0

Do you recall the pre-Web days of PR and marketing? The time before The Cluetrain Manifesto signalled that everything had changed and that the social media train was about to leave the station whether you were on it or not.

If stretching out that train doesn't stretch the metaphor too much, you could say that a very long train left the station from 1999 to 2009 with people jumping on board as and when they and/or their organisation felt ready. But undoubtedly, those who "got it" earlier than later have been best positioned to reap the benefits for their organisation and for their personal career.

Well, marketing and PR is about to change. Again. It's 2010.

If Web 2.0 could be summed up as content and community, then Web 3.0 is about the Web itself understanding the meaning of that content and community. Web 3.0 is more accurately known as the Semantic Web, and as the name implies it gives us the opportunity to have software applications connect the dots and spot patterns and coalesce information and reach conclusions on our behalf. Read more

Friday Roundup – social 'in real life' and online

It's just coming up to ten years since I participated in the first UK workshop on this new thing called blogging. During the ensuing decade I have formed a number of social media tenets that have so far stood the tests of time.

One of these is simply that social networks work best when they span the on- and off-line worlds; when face-to-face leads to 'linking-in', and when 'friending' leads to meet and greet.

Of course, another tenet was that at some juncture we'd stop differentiating between on- and off-line in the same way we don't feel the need to qualify whether a conversation was held in person or over the phone, but what's a contradiction between friends?

And the combination of on- and off- has worked in my favour recently. I had the benefit of a highly receptive audience at Monitoring Social Media Bootcamp 2010 who went on to view and tweet and my presentation about influence on slideshare.net, which then helped catapult it to slideshare's homepage as their most discussed document of the day.

So how can you start making the combination of on- and off- work to your advantage?

Lots of great posts for you this week. Enjoy! Read more