Friday Roundup – the BNP on Question Time

Nick Griffin, leader of the (racist, facist) British National Party, appeared on a prime time BBC news programme last night, Question Time.

It is hard to say which of the decision to do so or the content of the programme itself was most controversial. The event has most definitely generated serious heat, before, during and after, with Google News reporting in excess of 3000 stories on the matter.

The BNP is democratically elected, with two Members of the European Parliament, and that gives their leader a mandate to appear on a national TV funded by the electorate to convey his views and his policies.

And I raise this matter here because marketing communicators know the value of dialogue. The days of Mr. Monologue Marketer are numbered, if not expired, and it's through dialogue and freedom of speech and freedom of expression that we can best understand each other and respond accordingly.

Those who cried for Mr. Griffin to be banned from appearing were wrong, yet hopefully many of them will now be satisfied. For through the most powerful media (yes, that's still the TV, not Twitter!) the British public most definitely has come to better understand the BNP better than ever.

Best regards, Philip and the MarCom Professional team.

Mind the Social Media Gap

by Andrew Grill of London Calling

This article first appeared in the PointZero magazine, issue 2 October 2009.

It is often said that marketing helps consumers decide which product they should buy, and the customer service and operations department of any company is where this work can come undone in a flash.

As rightly identified by Dave Evans in a recent post titled “Social Business: the New Black”

Marketing sets the expectation, marketing creates demand, marketing helps a consumer differentiate why one choice is better than another choice. More...

When marketing in the Netherlands you need to get Hyves

by David Meerman Scott of David Meerman Scott

While in the Netherlands conducting a full-day seminar and presenting at several other events last week, I had an opportunity to learn a bit about Hyves.

The reach of Hyves is amazing.

Radio Netherlands says one in three Dutch are on the social networking site. It is the second most visited site in the Netherlands after Google, but in terms of time spent, it is certainly tops. And Hyves has more users in the Netherlands than the other major social networking sites Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter combined. More...

Website eye tracking studies are fooling internet business owners

by Graham Jones of Internet Psychology

Web designers are keen to explain the predominance of the "letter-f" approach to the internet. This comes from eye-tracking studies which show the way we look at web pages follows, broadly, an f-shape. We start in the top left hand corner, scan across and down with a quick glance across the middle.

The perceived wisdom is that we are checking for things like navigation, headlines and signs of trustworthiness. All of that is true, but the concentration on getting your website into an F-shape for usability purposes could be working against you. More...

How easy is it to get in touch?

by Rebecca Caroe of Creative Agency Secrets

I review a lot of websites when doing biz dev for CAS and also for clients.  And too frequently I find that it is really hard to get in touch with some organisations. I’m not talking about using a general email address like admin@ or contact@ .

Take a look at Bulletproof Design

irritating music
no contact form
no cut/paste of contact information as it’s a flash site
hard to find menu – had to hover over headline to get menus to appear.
Freaking irritating – try another one…. More...

Blog that made the media star

by Stephen Waddington of Speed Communications

Here’s further proof if any further were needed of the PR benefits of business blogging. After writing about the Daily Mail Stephen Gately controversy on Friday Will Sturgeon was invited onto Sky News alongside Matthew Todd, editor of Attitude. And today Sturgeon appeared on More4 News to discuss Twitter activism.

Sturgeon has form of course as the former editor of Silicon. But there’s no doubt that mainstream media researchers are using the blogosphere as a means to find commentators. More...

Press #FAIL = Social Media #FTW

by Mindy Gofton of I-COM

In a week where we've seen outcry on social media sites force a major multi-national and a powerful law firm to back down in the face of public protests in favour of freedom of the press and in which users of social media sites have also forced an apology after a Daily Mail journalist wrote a column that many felt was openly homophobic, the media has been busy analysing the new role of social media in forming mass opinion within society.

In an article published on John Mair writes of protests via Twitter and Facebook, "It gives the illusion of democracy and belonging to a movement whereas in reality is it membership of a mob, albeit a virtual one? Is this healthy for democracy and media accountability or not?" More...

Radical thinking required to save magazine industry

by Walter Adamson of NewLeaseG2M

The closing down of Conde Nast's Gourmet and Modern Bride magazines prompted Catherine Sherwood's call for radical innovation to save the quality magazine industry which was full of insight.

As Catherine said, it paints "a pretty grim picture of the future of print publications, even with a fairly robust internet or social media strategy".

Gourmet had the following: Website with both daily content and archives of recipes, restaurants, etc. Online forums Facebook page YouTube channel with lots of recipe demonstrations Podcasts on iTunes Three Twitter accounts (the magazine’s editor, the travel section’s editor and the magazine itself). More...

Terrific Inbound Marketing book shows you how to get found

by David Meerman Scott of David Meerman Scott

Today Inbound Marketing is released and I am so excited.

This terrific book is written by Brian Halligan and Dharmesh Shah co-founders of HubSpot. Learn more about Inbound Marketing: Get Found Using Google, Social Media, and Blogs here.

We're living a revolution!

We're living a revolution in the way people communicate.

How did a relatively unknown, young, single-term black senator with funny ears and a funnier name get elected President of the United States? Simple: He and his team understood the revolution and harnessed the power of the Web to communicate effectively with the masses. More...

10 Great Branded iPhone Apps (and Pepsi's)

by David Knowles of

With marketing so fragmented these days, even the biggest brands risk slipping up trying something new. And it’s been Pepsi left blushing after its iPhone app, ‘Amp Up Before You Score’, attracted the wrong sort of headlines for pigeonholing women (around half its customers). It’s certainly one experiment they won’t be in a rush to repeat.

Whilst most don’t backfire so spectacularly, there’s no shortage of poorly conceived iPhone apps created by brands. More...

Holy Social SEO Batman!

by Katy Barrilleaux of Lead Maverick, Inc.

Last month, I shared with you Bing’s plan to launch its Bing and Ping beta feature (Search Results to Go Social with bing), which allows for social sharing of select search results in bing, like movie times. The feature has since been released to beta users, extending at least some search results into the social networks. Today, Microsoft announced it has signed an agreement with Facebook and Twitter to integrate status updates from these two social powerhouses’ users into its search results. More...

The Second Life of Second Life

by Brian Solis of PR 2.0

SourceRecently, I wrote about a study written by virtual worlds consultancy, which reported that membership of virtual worlds grew by 39% in the second quarter of 2009 to an estimated 579 million. Today, I received an update from the company and it appears that Second Life is experiencing a second life of its own.

This story begins with an impressive milestone: Second Life Residents have transacted the equivalent of more than $1 billion with each other while spending more than one billion hours in Second Life. More...

The Science of Retweets on Twitter

by Brian Solis of PR 2.0

Source: Young Go GetterOver the years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with “Viral Marketing Scientist” Dan Zarrella on special projects related to Twitter. His focus on social science and psychology as it relates to new media and online interaction and behavior is in line with my philosophy and approach to understanding and documenting socialized media.

Zarrella recently debuted TweetPsych, a sophisticated system that uses two linguistic analysis algorithms (RID and LIWC) to build a psychological profile of a person based on the content of their tweets. More...

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