The second convergence conversation of 2008 will be on the potential impact of converging technologies on education.

What's being talked about?

Jim Knight, the schools' minister, recently announced that he wanted to allow parents to access 'frequently-updated information on children's achievement, progress, attendance, behaviour and special needs wherever, whenever parents want, using password-protected, secure, online systems'.

Here then is the potential impact of convergence on the delivery of education.

What will the effect be of the endless possibilities of technology in the classroom, from distance education, elearning, and even learning delivered via the TV? Attendant on this is the potential impact of convergence on the curriculum:

  • what do young people need to know about digital convergence?
  • how can we best equip them with the skills required in the modern world?

All of these questions and more will be addressed at this conversation.

Who's talking?

The conversation will be chaired by Philip Sheldrake and will begin with an expert's take on the market before the debate is opened out.

Who should attend?

Experts in the field of digital education and those interested in it.

Why should I attend?

Within a closed, personal and informal setting, you will gain access to key industry players within a range of industries. With increased critical knowledge you are guaranteed to improve your business performance by taking part in hot debate amongst a dynamic group of people.

How much will it cost me?

Free to anyone who is interested, this conversation is not to be missed.

Please remember that the Intellect Conference Suite is wireless enabled so you can network, catch-up on emails and do your 'last minute' calls from Russell Square House, with full access to printing and refreshments before the meeting.