An invitation to build our technology together
… tech we trust for the web we want.
Our motivation
Digital technologies are undermining our privacy, permitting mass state surveillance, enabling censorship, undermining journalism, and spreading fake news. It feels forbidding, uncertain, unsafe – more problem than solution, and far from the original vision for the Internet and Web.
And yet we’re optimistic that we can join together to fix it. The problem isn’t really the technologies we have to work with of course, but rather the way they’re crafted and who gets to do the crafting.
Our purpose
We’re forming the Digital Life Collective to combine our resources to research, design, develop and certify digital products and services to protect privacy, foster trust, and work towards a sustainable and equitable world. We aim to pool $20m p.a. to make this happen.
You're invited
Please join the Digital Life Collective, indeed be the Digital Life Collective. We need you. We can’t do this without each other.
Here's our 16-page stack with a bit more detail. [UPDATE 25th April 2017 – visit www.diglife.com]
If you love it, please join us.
If you sense the deep potential, please join us.
If you feel today's digital landscape is selling us all short, please join us.
If you're intrigued about making this happen as a co-operative, please join us.

Next steps
There's a handful of us right now. We're talking to people who work in this space so that we become dozens or possibly hundreds of likeminds in the coming weeks.
We've been careful to scope the why? and qualify the what? ... but we've stopped short of detailing the what? until we've accrued greater collective intelligence ... by your joining us of course.
✿ We'll be plugging into all the riot.im goodness very soon.
UPDATE 15th June 2017 removing references to our Slack instance. We have since migrated to our own instance of Mattermost, and participation there is restricted to members of our co-operative.