Continuous professional development. Bloody important. Guess that's why the CIPR just moved its whole system online. Brilliant.
I mention it because I need some. Professional development that is. Look at the state of this Friday Roundup: it lists 16 great posts for goodness sake! Far too many! But they're all so interesting (if I can say that about a list that includes one of my own).
I need a course in editing to get the list down to, say, 10. I could propose some personalisation technology to the MarCom Professional team so you only get posts you're really interested in. But then my post this week is about a new breed of consultant, an Influence Professional, who has to be savvy about everything going on out there in the world of exerting influence, and being influenced. So perhaps that wouldn't work. Mmmm.
Perhaps then I can just help to keep this Roundup shorter than otherwise by just stopping this intro. Here.
Best regards, Philip and the MarCom Professional team.

Book publisher goes real-time with Truman Fires MacArthur
by David Meerman Scott of David Meerman Scott
When President Obama chose to replace General Stanley A. McChrystal following the fallout from the general's controversial comments in a recent Rolling Stone article, the media was in a frenzy. Because McChrystal was the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan, over 13,000 mainstream media stories and blog posts were written in just a few days.
But what about books? It takes a more than a year to write and publish a book, right? So how can a book author jump into the fray?
A real-time ebook
Just two days after the Obama fires McChrystal news broke, book publisher Simon & More...

UK Online Advertiser Spending Gains Momentum
by David H Deans of Digital Lifescapes
eMarketer reports that UK advertising spending suffered a double-digit drop in 2009, according to several sources. However, the Internet defied this downward trend. UK advertisers spent £3.54 billion ($5.56 billion) online in 2009 -- 5.7 percent more than in 2008.
Online spending growth will speed up in 2010 to 7 percent before moderating in 2011. The London Olympics in 2012 will also provide a boost in spending increases.
"On the whole, digital marketers in the UK rose to the challenge of budget restraint with sound strategies and imagination," More...

Understanding the Social Customer. Presentation by Ryan Turner
by Michael Litman of Dare Digital

Viral success = creativity + skill – Andy Murray viral hits 600k views
by Danny Whatmough of Wildfire
As you may have picked up, I’m a big tennis fan. So I was interested to see the following viral video from Head featuring Scotland’s own Andy Murray:
It’s a great little video and has apparently already hit the 600k view mark – pretty impressive.
Finger’s crossed Andy can repeat these skills on centre court in the Wimbledon final on Sunday!

Where's your brain at? Where's your consultancy at?
by Philip Sheldrake of Influence Crowd LLP
Do you 'do' search engine optimisation? If so, it seems you are most probably a SEO consultant because public relations consultants who 'get' SEO appear to be very thin on the ground. Not only that, but some argue that's how it should be.
Nixon McInnes’ managing director Will McInnes, ever the polemicist perhaps, asserted during yesterday evening's CIPR Social Summer conversation on SEO that to fuse the two disciplines would have to entail some kind of genetic engineering along the lines of a pig-monkey hybrid. More...

The Last Mile: The Socialization of Business
by Brian Solis of PR 2.0
I’m working on developing new ideas and wanted to share them here with you for your review and also to seek your feedback…
Everything begins with a shift in perspective from viewing stakeholders as a separate entity, “us vs. them,” to a singular view of “us ” as this enlivens a new era of community-focused marketing and engagement.
Social media introduces a new problem of sorts, one where the answer is lost in the politics and corresponding burrows of debate as to who owns social media within the organization. More...

Who Owns Social Media And Why It Should Not Be You
by Vanessa DiMauro of Leader Networks
by Vanessa DiMauro and Ryck Lent
Determining who is in charge of social media can be a daunting task. Even when social leadership is channeled through the executive suite, it does not stop at the executive level. Often the question becomes “who owns social media?” within the organization.
For many new initiatives, he who first touches the new “thing” becomes its ultimate owner. The department which leads the first or most visible social media project establishes the initial beachhead of control over its eventual programmatic development. More...

How to integrate social media into a conference or event
by David Meerman Scott of David Meerman Scott
The conference as we used to know it was very stiff, structured and didactic.
It's been the same since Cicero—the speaker spoke and the audience listened. Maybe the audience had a chance to ask questions at the end, or chat about the content at coffee break, but like television it was essentially one-way communication.
I speak at about 50 conferences and events all over the world each year. The best are those that integrate the physical event.
Integrate Social Media at your event
Now, at conferences all over the world, audience members connect with one another in real time while speakers are up at the podium. More...

The Future of Newspapers: Depth and Personality
by Trevor Young PR Warrior of Parkyoung
Producing unique content that adds depth and personality to its brand is something Melbourne's biggest-selling newspaper the Herald Sun is experimenting with as it makes the transition from 'old media' to 'new media'.
The Herald Sun's owner News Corporation signalled some 12 months ago it intended to start charging for access to its global network of news sites, with News Corp head honcho Rupert Murdoch pledging to shake up the newspaper industry by charging for editorial content. More...

Why Channel Partners should connect with vendors and current customers in social media
by Walter Adamson of NewLeaseG2M
Beth Vanni – Director, Market Intelligence at Amazon Consulting (not related to recently wrote:
...doesn’t it stand to reason that solution providers will be more effective selling the technology, building custom applications around it and helping customers with the supporting business process if they themselves understand the power of collaboration and social networking?
It sure does, we're with you Beth!
Beth goes on the say that in their 2009 study focused on Partner Collaboration and the Role of Social Media, nearly 50% of solution providers indicated they are only "opportunistically" More...

Tech in the Park: Making Clever Use of Teens’ Love of Music
by Vero Pepperrell of Vero Pepperrell
Recently, I’ve taken a particular interest in technology in public places, probably due to spending too much time pondering my surroundings while waiting for the train. This latest example, discovered thanks to Michael Dales, is close to home just North of Cambridge. It’s so simple and it’s bound to make a lot of young people happy this summer.
Wondering what this is? It’s a rather clever contraption, apparently installed by Monster Play, a Hertfordshire-based company. More...

Want to to increase your email’s click throughs? Make it easy to share
by Matt Ambrose of The Copywriter's Crucible
With 55 million updates on Twitter every day and several million more on Facebook, it’s no wonder marketers are excited about social media.
Whilst making a message that goes ‘viral’ is more pot luck than a defined strategy, you can certainly improve your message’s chances of being shared by including links to social media sites.
You’d have thought adding links to Facebook and Twitter in B2C marketing emails was a no brainer these days. It doesn’t cost anything to do, and it offers pure, sweet ROI. More...

Insight from Hitwise on News International firewall
by Stephen Waddington of Speed Communications
Here’s early analysis from Hitwise on the impact of the News International firewall on (see dark blue line). According to analysis by Robin Goard the title’s market share has dropped from 4.37% during the week ending 22 May (pre-firewall) to 2.67% (post-firewall) during the week ending 19 June.

Customer Experience: Do You Really Know Your Audience?
by Eric Tsai of Designdamage
It’s no surprise that the increasingly social web have enabled customers to be heard while helping to improve the very products and services they’ve purchased. As millions of people continue to search online for the product they need and the service they want, do you know how the recession has impacted your customer’s value perception? How are you going to improve the customer experience to optimize your products and services?
Your customer may have already shifted their spending in favor of private label brands over name brands or reduce the quantity or frequency of buying altogether. More...

5 Tips to Engage Social and Mobile Customers
by Eric Tsai of Designdamage
f you’ve been keeping up with the current marketing trends, you should be in the process of exploring how to utilize social media to benefit your business. By now, most of the “how to use” social media content is everywhere especially from reputation resources such as Mashable, Social Media Examiner or Twitip to name a few. While most large organizations such as Fortune 500 companies are slow in adopting social media, many have started pilot programs to experiment with this new tool. More...

CIPR Summer Social debate finds PR and search marketing remain separate worlds
by Stephen Waddington of Speed Communications
The PR industry has failed to embrace search marketing. That was the conclusion of a group of PR, social media, and search marketing professionals that met yesterday as part of the CIPR’s Social Media Summer series to debate the issue. There are well-publicised exceptions highlighted by the recent NMA search league tables but the majority of the PR industry has seemingly yet to wake-up to even the basics of search marketing.
Analysis by Escherman’s Andrew Smith shows that the majority of the PR Week Top 150 agencies are failing to make even basic efforts to optimise their own web sites. More...