Social analytics, Katie Delahaye Paine and the CIPR Social Summer

There's a bit of a 'first' going on at the CIPR... yesterday we had the first CIPR Social Summer meeting at CIPR HQ, which is the first of a series designed openly on a wiki by members for members and non-members. The sessions run most Thursdays, 5pm-7pm, over the summer months.

CIPR Social Summer

So I was in nirvana!.. Central London, the coolest city in the world, in a lovely building with a cold beer in hand discussing one of my favourite topics, social analytics, with some very nice and equally excited people. Ah, life's hard.

Actually, I'd got to the CIPR for 3.30pm to have the first meeting of the CIPR's Social Media measurement group, and we'll be posting up the minutes to that next week. If you'd like to find out more about our plans, head on over to the CIPR's brand spanking new website, here, where you'll also have the opportunity to listen to an interview I conducted with the Queen of Measurement herself, Katie Delahaye Paine, this week. Or just click play here:

Interview with Katie Delahaye Paine 20 June 2010

Next week's session is on mobile. As always, it's the CIPR HQ, 5pm-7pm, Thursday, and the conversation is kicked off by the lovely chaps at

Hope to see you there. Once again, here's our little wiki.