The CIPR has assembled a social media group, information about which I've appended here for your convenience. I'm delighted to have been invited and look forward to working with the group, half of whom I know and half I look forward to meeting.
One of the first things I'm going to do is to invite the group to a meeting Wednesday 21st April 2010 to present the work to date on the Ontology For Feelings About Things and the PR Ontology, both pieces of work critical to the PR industries contribution to something referred to as the Semantic Web. The Semantic Web is most often what people mean when they talk about Web 3.0.
(More info here in a previous post.)
Stephen Waddington has invited us to hold the meeting at Speed's office in Leicester Square, so if you're interested in the Semantic Web and find yourself in central London 6.30pm this coming Wednesday, do get in touch!
If you're interested in following the tweets of this group, I've created a Twitter list here.
CIPR launches social media panel
The CIPR has gathered together some of the UK’s foremost social media thinkers and contributors to provide input into the Institute’s policy guidance, education and training. Led by CIPR board member Rob Brown, the panel will look at issues such as online reputation developments, convergence in marketing communications and best practice social media measurement.
CIPR President Jay O’Connor said: “A core theme in our three-year strategic plan is social media and the impact on the public relations profession. Rob joined the CIPR board to lead our efforts in this area, feeding into our policy, research and training. As part of this, Rob has set up the Social Media Panel - a group of some of the UK's foremost social media contributors, who will debate and input, ensuring our guidance reflects the very best thinking and practice.
“Things are moving quickly. Reaching out to practitioners who can offer their insight so that we can guide our members and the profession appropriately is key.”
The panel is a diverse group comprising some of the best thinkers and practitioners, including:
- Daljit Bhurji ACIPR – Managing Director, Diffusion (@Daljit_Bhurji)
- Mark Borkowski - Managing Director, Borkowski (@MarkBorkowski)
- Rob Brown FCIPR – Managing Director, Staniforth (@robbrown)
- Stuart Bruce MCIPR – Managing Director, Wolfstar (@stuartbruce)
- Dominic Burch - Head of Corporate Communications, ASDA (@dom_asdaPR)
- Simon Collister - Head of Non-Profit and Public Sector, We Are Social (@simoncollister)
- Gemma Griffiths – Client Director, Racepoint (@GemGriff)
- Katy Howell – Managing Director, Immediate Future (@katyhowell)
- Marshall Manson - Director of Digital Strategy, Edelman (@marshallmanson)
- Beccy McMichael – Head of Corporate & Technology, Ruder Finn (@bmcmichael)
- Danny Rogers – Editor, PR Week (@dannyrogers2001)
- Julio Romo MCIPR – PR and Communications Consultant, twofourseven (@twofourseven)
- Philip Sheldrake – Partner, Influence Crowd LLP (@sheldrake)
- Stephen Waddington MCIPR – Managing Director, Speed Communications (@wadds)
- Robin Wilson – Director Digital PR & Social Media, McCann Erickson (@robin1966)