Stowe Boyd recently published "A Manifesto For A Third Way Of Work" (although the title will change). The manifesto forms the basis of the book Stowe plans to write throughout 2014, crystallizing the perspectives and insight he has forged and assembled over the years. And if you've read Attenzi – a social business story then you'll know Stowe and I think alike on many matters.
[Update 20th March 2014: the title changed to A Manifesto For A New Way of Work.]
Here are the major theses, and I have identified with an asterisk the four I have chosen to argue below.
Dissensus (versus Consensus)
— active and directed dissent is a better way to counter the cognitive biases of groups and individuals, and to sidestep groupthink; essential to increased innovation and creativity truly driving business
Cooperative (versus Collaborative)
— sidesteps the politics and collectivism of consensus-based decision-making, and shifts to looser, laissez-faire cooperative work patterns
Creativity (versus Tradition)
— new solutions to problems are needed, and traditional approaches may not only be broken but dangerous
Autonomy (versus Heteronomy)
— paradoxically, as we come into a time when we acknowledge that we are more connected to each other than ever before, a great degree of autonomy will become the norm; old demands to subordinate all personal interests to those of the collective will be displaced by a personal re-engagement in our own work and a commitment to a deeper work culture that transcends any one company’s corporate culture Read more