[Originally written, obviously, for the CIPR Friday Roundup.]

The Kardashians first appeared in October 2007 just as it was becoming difficult to get a mortgage. I don't believe the two were related. I also sent out the first Friday Roundup... to eleven recipients.

Five years and 250 editions later (missing out the festive seasons), it's gone out to 9345 of you, which is fantastic. But let's look at some more interesting October 2007 facts, spanning the full gamut of topics we've covered here for PR professionals.

Facebook had just passed the thirty million user mark, approaching half that reported by MySpace. There were 350,000 of us on Twitter and ten million odd on LinkedIn – now half a billion and 175 million respectively.

There was no Kindle, no Android, no tablets, and no Justin Bieber. Nokia was number one in mobile phones, bigger than numbers 2, 3 and 4 combined. The Blackberry 8800 and the very first iPhone were the executive must-haves.

There was no FourSquare, Groupon, Pinterest, Instagram, Angry Birds, Prezi, Quora, Spotify, Mendeley, Blippar, Dropbox, Tweetdeck or Google+. And these were pre-Chatroulette days too, and pre-Barcelona principles come to that.

In short, a lot has changed in five years, but hold on tight because the next five will be faster. Watch out for Do Not Track and the growing privacy backlash, vendor relationship management, open social networks, the Internet of Things becoming an organizational stakeholder (OK, maybe not by 2017), the Firefox mobile OS, growing social commerce, bigger big data, the semantic web (Web 3.0) and product hyper-personalisation – so long as we can find the right privacy balance of course.

I also hope we'll match our love of social commerce with social shareholding, demanding good governance of all bodies corporate.

I believe we'll see a maturity in the planning, measurement and evaluation of public relations, indeed of all influence-related activities and associated intangible assets. And with social media making up the eggs of the social business cake, we'll see greater demands placed on the most able PR professionals in socializing the enterprise.

What's more, you'll see it all covered on The Conversation and in the Friday Roundup by the people who think it, by the people who shape it, by the people who live it. You.

Best regards, Philip Sheldrake and The Conversation team.

P.S. I write Roundups in my own capacity and not as a CIPR spokesperson. On which note, thanks to @andismit, @gemgriff and @simonhill for their part in writing Roundups over the years.